Wow 2 posts in 2 days, that's a record for me lately... but I just had to pop on and tell you guys about this though. I found it while blog hopping over at the wonderful Dustin Pike's blog. He has a request on behalf of a little 10 year old girl called Delia. Here is the info (taken from his blog entry):
I have a Special Request...
Jennifer from asked if I could help and ask for card donations..
This is part of the email:
On Friday, December 11th, 2009 my friends daughter Delia was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. She is 10 yrs old and is currently being treated at the Denver Children's Hospital.
She loves art, photography and really loves owls. I was hoping that there would be some wonderful women or men out there that would love to send her a card of encouragement. I thought it would bring a smile to Delia's face to be inundated with cards as a special Valentines Day gift from people around the world. Please find it in your heart to bring hope and love to this beautiful spirited girl. Any card will do..but if you have an owl that would be a bonus. Please pass this information around so we can thrill a little girl in her time of hardship!
She is on her second round of chemo and its been a struggle for her, although she is doing better today.
This touched my heart as she is the same age as my son and I cannot imagine what she must be going through. Her address if you want to send a card is available on Dustin's blog the link is in my inspiration list over on the right side of the page. Dustin is an awesome artist and has drawn these super owl images for you to download and use on your cards. They are so cute I could not resist using 2 of them.

I am a little late for making it in time for valentines day but I figure her fight is not going to end on valentines day and therefore she will need encouragement today and everyday until this nasty illness has been beaten. I used to be a Chemo-Angel and send cards to people just like her and know that everyday is a day that could do with a little extra happiness in it, snail mail for me is the best way I know how. I hope she likes my card.
Thanks for looking