Hello Friends
I have a lot of projects on the go at the moment which is why I'm not really posting much. I haven't really had time to sit down and make cards mainly cause my craftroom is upside down and every time I sit down with an idea it goes right out of my head when I look at the mess. So my aim at the moment is to sort and tidy and most importantly declutter. Once that is done I hope to get my mojo back.

My current projects that I have lined up waiting for me are sewing projects. You remember a while back I made a set of quilted coasters? Well I got the awesome idea to make a set for everyone on my Christmas list. This is proving time consuming. While in California I managed to get my triangles all sewn together into squares. Since being back home I have managed to sew the squares into pairs so they are now rectangles.

Upon my travels around various craft stores I happened upon a sewing store that was closing down. Not only did I manage to get myself a secondhand sewing machine for $25. I also bought some of the most gorgeous fabric. I hope to make a couple of dresses or skirts for myself with it.

Then we come to my demanding daughter (not). LOL. She is my baby and she wants her Halloween costume to be made by Mommy. How could I possibly say no? So as you can see I am pretty busy here and hopefully will have some photos to show you of the finished things.
Thanks for looking