Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the long absence things have been a little busy around here although not so much on the crafting side. However I have been trying to get back into the swing of things now that my craft room is a little more organised.

First up is those frustrating quilted coasters. I have managed to sew all the rectangles together into squares. but as time has been ticking by I have had to turn my energy towards my daughters Halloween costume. I have to say it is coming together really nicely. I'm getting quite excited.

I went to a quilt show which was really cool. I came away inevitably with yet more fabric. I am hoping to make aprons with them for my friends who are starting a new baking company.

Well that's it for now. No card making I'm afraid but once the dress is finished I hope to take a short break from sewing and make some Christmas cards.
Thanks for looking. See you soon.