I have some pictures to show you of my very first quilt. My friend Lucy showed me the basics when I made a table runner and place mats while staying with her and her family for a visit last summer. Shortly afterwards she announced that she was expecting baby #3. To me this was the perfect opportunity to show her how grateful I am for her friendship, guidance and for showing me what wonderful things I can achieve when I put my mind to it.

They made the decision not to find out the sex of the baby so I was left pondering what colors to use. I had in my stash of fabrics some embroidered Winnie the Pooh fabric in both blue and pink I had bought them about 9 years ago when I was expecting my daughter we too chose not to find out so when I got the fabric all those years ago I got both just in case.

I also bought the softest fluffy fabric in green and yellow and on yet another craft shop visit another Winnie the Pooh fabric caught my eye. At this point I was a little spoiled for choice. Being indecisive I used them all on the front of the quilt and when the baby was born I was able to use one solid panel of pink for the back (yes, you guessed it pink for a girl).

I had a bunch of scraps left over at the end so made a bag for the quilt so Lucy can carry it around when she is out and about. Because of my personal attachment to the fabric used there is a whole lot of love in this quilt and I hope that we can go visit them all very soon.
Thanks for looking