Friends of ours recently had twins. A little boy and a little girl. So, so tiny, I knew as soon as I saw a picture of them that I needed to make them something. Straight away I started cutting and piecing and planning. I found this gorgeous teddy bear fabric with both pink and blue bows on it at a local store.

This time around I decided to make bags. We bought cute outfits for each of them. They won't fit them for a while yet but hopefully they will get lots of use out of the bags for various things. diapers, changes of clothes, etc.

These were so much fun to make and have safely made it to California to our friends. I know, I know more friends in California. I'm beginning to think we should move there too so I can be closer to all the little babies. I love babies and seem to be drawn to the baby fabrics. Probably cause they are so smooth to the touch.
Thanks for looking