I would like to pay this forward to the following people who make my day whenever I visit their blogs.
1. Maria http://stampininspirations.blogspot.com/
2. Joani http://joaniscardsmadebyhand.blogspot.com/
3. Jenny http://stampingmoments.blogspot.com/
I'm sorry there are not more but I am still fairly new to blogging and so far these are the main ones I visit on a regular basis. If you are a regular visitor to my blog and have a craft blog of your own you would like to share please leave a comment on this post with a link. I would love to see what you do too. I am going to start compiling a list of favorites on the side column very soon.
Hugs to all.
Hi Nic,
Awww, thank you for the award. You are too sweet and I'm honored! You deserve this award! You're a wonderful blogger and fabulous artist!
Morning Nicola,
What a lovely thing to do, thank you ever so much and also for visiting me everyday and leaving such wonderful comments. By the way I too love gorillas, chimps etc. We live near Monkey World! And visit all the time
Hi Nicola,
I got your blog address from Jenny who is a great friend of mine we meet weekly to stamp and what fun we have.
My blog is
my fave blogroll is growing all the time.
Janette x
Hi Nicola,
Just noticed you are originally from Wales....me too...what part ??
I lived in newport, my parents still do and my sister lives in Bridgend !
Janette x
Nic ~ Thank you so much. Your a dear friend and that was very sweet of you!!
You make my day too!!
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