My dear friend Joani has given me an award. It is a BFF Gold card!!
To pass on this award, these are the rules that must be followed:
1. Only five people allowed.
2. Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog
3. One has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. You must link back to whoever gave you the award.
Joani of http://joaniscardsmadebyhand.blogspot.com/ gave me this award and I am glad. She has an awesome blog and is a constant inspiration to me not to mention group boss of her awesome MSN group Cards Made By Hand. You must go take a look! So here goes, I pass this award on to:
1 Gabby - http://confessionsofastamper.blogspot.com/
2 Renee - http://angelrenees.blogspot.com/
3 Barb - http://wwwcatscraftingblog.blogspot.com/
4 Betty - http://ladybugscraps.blogspot.com/
5 Sonya - http://sonyaslilypad.blogspot.com/ She is not new to my blog but she lives in another part of the world and has been my biggest supporter since I started my craft blog.
These are very talented ladies! I hope that you all have time to go check them out ~ you won't be disappointed!! I would love to give this to all the blogs I visit but there are so many I don't even have them all on my blog roll. Yet, but the rules say 5. I haven't really had anybody new post so I did cheat a little. If you visit regularly and have a blog but are not in my blog roll then please post a link on this thread so we can see your awesome crafts. You all are great!!!
Nic thanks a whole bunch! that means alot to me..I havent created much lately but Im always checking out what you do and I love it.
Thanks Nic for the award.. I love it. Can I buy more stamps with it LOL.
Nic, congratulations on your award & thank you so very much for nominating me. I'm quite awed by it coming from you as I feel you are so creative & I get inspiration when I visit your blog.
Thank you, Smiles, Barb
Great selection of people that you passed on your award to. I love all of the blogs that you mentioned as I visit them regularly.
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