I read some sad news the other day, fellow blogger Michelle from http://donkeysmiles.blogspot.com/ had a really nasty accident about two weeks ago, which has left her with the loss of her right eye and a long road of recovery ahead. She is on the design team for A Spoon Full of Sugar http://aspoonfullofsugarchallenge.blogspot.com/ and in an effort to cheer her up and raise awareness for what happened they are holding a card drive in her honor. They are asking that everyone please create a card in dedication to Michelle and mail it off to her and flood her mailbox with well wishes from around the world. More details and her address is on the spoon full of sugar website.
They have posted a donkey image on there too that you can download for you to use for the card. I am off on a 2 week trip to see friends in California in 2 days but just had to make a card for this before I left. I hope she likes it.
Thanks for looking
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