It's so nice to know that someone out there likes what I do. I get so very little feedback that I wonder sometimes. I have been considering a blog candy but don't want people posting just to get it. I want people to come here because they like what I do. I will give it a little longer though. It's still early days for me in the blogging world. Anyway I would like to thank Sonya of http://sonyaslilypad.blogspot.com/ for giving me the award. I love her blog but cannot give the award back to her so must pay it forward to 3 others who I deem worthy. I noticed that a couple of my choices already got chosen by Sonya but here's who else rocks my crafting boat.
1. Joani - http://joaniscardsmadebyhand.blogspot.com/
2. Jenny - http://stampingmoments.blogspot.com/
3. Kathleen - http://kathleenh-myhappyplace.blogspot.com/
All the shortcuts to these are actually over there on the right hand side of the page but I wanted to put it here too. I need to update that as I have so many more blogs that I visit regularly these days. Hope to have time to do that soon. Right I'm off to spread the happy. Have a great day.
Oh man I would SERIOUSLY be disapointed if you let this blog go..I really mean it. I dont get much comments either but I guess we cant do it for the other people..although I do understand about wanting some nice comments everynow and then :o) I always love what you do!
you are so kind! I understand about the blog candy. I want people to visit my blog because they enjoy it ~ not to get goodies! I love your blog ~ it's on my fav's and I look forward to seeing what you do each day!
Your a great friend!
Nicola, thank you so much for nominating me for this award. You're so sweet! I know what you mean about the comments. Blogging can be a lonely world out there sometimes. I hope you find the best solution for you.
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