I have been eager to get more pages done for the kids school scrapbooks. I chose to make the front page a preschool page seen as my double pages start with Kindergarten. I planned the basic outline of both kids pages to be fairly the same but used different colored 12 x 12 cardstock for each of them. Megan's was fairly easy as I had no trouble finding the pictures I wanted for it.

Jake on the other hand was a little harder as his preschool year was spent in 2 different countries as this was the year that we moved over here to the US. I ended up using a picture of him in his school uniform from England and pairing it up with a couple from the daycare that he did his preschooling at. I wrote a little explanation of this at the end of the panel. Writing on scrapbook pages is going to be an effort for me as I am not too fond of my messy writing. In the end I think they turned out pretty well and I hope in years to come the kids will enjoy looking back at these memories.

I am very excited today. Yesterday I got my first ever order of TAC stamps from my friend Joani (http://joaniscardsmadebyhand.blogspot.com/). I have spent most of today trying to get them mounted. It is taking me a while as I have been attempting to both make index cards for them as I go along as I saw Joani do with hers. But I have also been trying to stamp the images onto the back of the foam so that when I am stamping I can see exactly what I am trying to put and where. I got this idea from a You Tube video that joani posted on her blog. This is a cool idea but very messy (that could just be me.lol) as it has to be done before you mount them so they are all floppy. Hence my fingers are just a little black. The end result is so worth it though and is going to make things so much easier to see and do. Next stop, Joani's awesome idea for storing them in CD and DVD cases. That however will take a trip to the Container Store or somewhere similar and I don't have time today. Ok better get back to inking and mounting. Thanks for dropping by.
Opps I almost forgot here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzwz01Utnbs
Those layouts look fabulous Nic! enjoy your TAC stamps..they have some great images!
Oh Nic you did a wonderful job on those! They are to be cherished!
You know I've gone to Big Lots to get my CD cases - they are so cheap there.
Glad you like your new stuff.
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