Friday, October 17, 2008

More Nice Notes

I am finally getting around to finishing off my Christmas presents. I needed more of these than I realised so I have been playing with other colors. I plan on working my way through all the last round of in colors. I think so far I have made groovy guava and purely pomegranate which you will find here:

Today I used Blue Bayou and I made some of both sorts. The originals and the fixed mistakes. I think I like the fixed mistakes one the What do you think?

This time around I utilized a wonderful new tool. Well it's new to me lets put it that way. I finally broke down and got myself a Scor-Pal from my friend Joani and my gosh am I a happy bunny. Making the boxes for these are a piece of cake now.

1 comment:

Sonya said...

You have a scor pal! Im so envious. I want one too. I just love these cards and the box they come in. What perfect gifts they make!