Well here it is the box to hold my notes. I'm pretty pleased at how it turned out. Now I just need to figure out how many I need to make between now and Christmas. I had a little help on how to keep the box closed. I got the idea for the slip off belly band from here http://www.barbstamps.com/my_weblog/2008/06/tutorial---love-notes-and-pouch.html I thought about doing the pouch the way she had but did not have the 12 x 12 card so I went with a simpler box style instead.

I used a piece of cardstock measuring 7 1/2 X 11 inches. Scored lengthwise at (4), (4 1/2), (9) & (9 1/2) and across at (1), (1 1/2), (6) & (6 1/2). then I trimmed off what I didn't need leaving me with the above picture.

I turned it over and stamped an image in each corner from the stamp set and also on the corner of the envelopes that go with the notes. I then used sticky strip to stick the long end to the 2 short sides.

The belly band was made using both tag punches to make the label and 12 inches of white grosgrain ribbon. I thread both ends threw a punched hole and tied a knot. When you need to open the box the band just slips off.
I hope this makes sense. If you want I can attempt a diagram of the scoring and what you need to trim if this will help. Let me know.
Thanks for looking
Thats so cool looking!! Im going to try that myself..I've been really wanting to make one of those. Great job!
WOWSA Nic!!! Girl...this ROCKS!!! You should get a Scor-Pal if you don't have one! I know it would help LOTS on the scores and it'll speed up the folding process too! ;) Just a little enabling! ;)
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