Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cushions for Hubby

Saturday we went to Ashley Furniture and got another bookshelf for our dining room. While we were there Paul mentioned that he has a leather sofa in his office (alright for some don't you think) but he had no cushions for it. Can you see where this is going? I should have cottoned on when he said he wanted something more personal than store bought but no silly old me offered to make him some. Somehow in the space of an afternoon we managed to go to Jo-Ann's, he picked out the fabric he wanted and when we got home I made 3 cushions. I think it's a record, for me anyways. He took them into work on Monday and sent me this pic of them on his sofa.


Tracy.H said...

Very nice! :0)

Sonya said...

Aaww what a good wife you are!lol Those cushions look great on that sofa!